Powerful Encryption Software: UltraCrypt™ for WindowsEncrypt sensitive files with UltraCryptUltraCrypt is powerful encryption software that uses the strong encryption algorithms such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), Blowfish, etc., with the key lengths 128, 192, or 256 bits, to ensure unbreakable encryption of your documents. You can use Ultra Crypt to create encrypted containers on your hard drive, where you can store your sensitive files and documents. Until a valid password is entered, the encrypted containers appear as files filled with random bytes that have no resemblance of their original contents. When you enter your password, the encrypted containers become instantly accessible as the "virtual drives", which can be opened via the My Computer folder, just like regular drives. You can have an unlimited number of the encrypted containers, of any size (limited only by the size of the free space on your hard drive). The number of the containers that can be open simultaneously is limited only by the number of the available drive letters of your computer. What you can do with UltraCrypt:
UltraCrypt stores your password in an encoded form using the secure hash algorithms such as SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512, WHIRLPOOL, and others. An option to create an emergency recovery file is offered, too, to provide an alternative way of accessing the encrypted containers, in case you forget or lose the main password. Without the correct password, it is not possible to extract the files from the encrypted container, even if all computers on earth were to work together on trying to decipher your data! Note: This product is not available yet for download or purchase. All information on this page is preliminary and subject to change without notice. Related projectsComing soonCopyright and Trademark informationCopyright (c) WinAbility Software Corp. WinAbility®, Folder Guard®, AB Commander™, Active Exit™, MySecretFolder™, FreeCrypt™, StealthCrypt™, USB Crypt™, SystemCrypt™, UltraCrypt™, and other product names of WinAbility Software Corporation are registered trademarks or trademarks of WinAbility Software Corporation and/or its suppliers. All other product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. All rights reserved. Legal notices • Privacy policy |